I took advantage of the mild weather and holiday off time to install the 1296 MHz septum feed on the 12 ft dish.
Conditions are horrible right now for EME (the Moon is right next to the Sun), but I’m anyway still working on the power amplifier to make CW QSOs. So far all I have been able to do is to optimize the feed’s position using Sun noise. -3dB beamwidth is around 4 degrees, which is what I expected from this 3.5 m dish at 1.2 GHz.
The plastic box on the feed houses the RX isolation relay, LNA, filter, and cable driver. The feed is mounted using a modified RF Hamdesign CLX05 bracket, which connects to the struts via a universal-mounting bracket designed by KC2TDS:
A C/Ku Polarotor Feed is mounted 7 degrees from prime focus to aid in calibrating the antenna’s rotor controller against geostationary-orbit satellites. Here is the antenna pointing at the horizon, waiting for the next moonrise: